Bring your celebration to life with our Custom 5mm Foamboard for Birthday displays! Whether it's a large backdrop or individual character cutouts, our high-quality foamboard prints add a personal touch to your special day. Designed with vibrant full-color printing, your birthday decor will stand out, making it perfect for photo backdrops, table displays, or signage at the entrance.
Hidupkan perayaan anda dengan Foamboard 5mm Custom untuk acara hari jadi! Sama ada latar belakang yang besar atau pemotongan watak individu, cetakan foamboard berkualiti tinggi kami memberikan sentuhan peribadi pada hari istimewa anda. Dengan cetak penuh warna, hiasan hari jadi anda akan menyerlah, sesuai untuk latar belakang foto, paparan meja, atau papan tanda di pintu masuk.
Perfect for large birthday backdrop displays, and character cutouts to make the event memorable.
Vibrant foamboard displays for fun and themed events, providing interactive decor pieces.
Custom foamboard displays for planners to create the perfect themed birthday party setup.