MydoraGold Cincin Sweet Ribbon | Cincin Fesyen Series l Cincin Emas 999/24K & EMAS 916/22K

MydoraGold Cincin Sweet Ribbon | Cincin Fesyen Series l Cincin Emas 999/24K & EMAS 916/22K

分类: CINCIN EMAS 999 当前有货 (数量:14)
B | S15 | 1.14gm999/A/S17 l 1.19gm999/A/S17 l 1.21gm999/A/S19 l 1.23gm999/A/S19 l 1.26gm999/B/S11 l 1.24gm999/B/S12 l 1.20gm999/B/S20 l 1.19gm916/B/S10 l 0.66gm916/B/S17 l 0.69gm
RM433.00 - RM764.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站


' Product Info
Item : Cincin Sweet Ribbon Emas 999/24K &(5G Technology -Hollow Ring)
Material : EMAS 999 / 24K & EMAS 916/22K

Design A : Pintal Sebelah
Berat : 1gm +/-

Design B : Pintal Full Round
Berat : 1gm +/-

Please take note: Weight +/- difference 0.05gm

1X Cincin Sweet Ribbon Emas 999/24K
1X FREE Jewellery Box
1X Invoice

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Quality Guaranteed !!
'SSM-registered company
'100% 916 Gold
Postage is under Shopee Guarantee '(

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