TIMOTHY HAY (1kg) Rabbit / Guinea pig Jerami Timothy **FREE 5ml Vits Drops worth RM4 - while stocks last**

TIMOTHY HAY (1kg) Rabbit / Guinea pig Jerami Timothy **FREE 5ml Vits Drops worth RM4 - while stocks last**

分类: Hay 当前有货 (数量:9999)
T.Single Compression
RM10.00 - RM10.00 欲了解更多详情,请游览我们的官方网站 wondershop.com.my


FREE one 5ml Vits Drops worth RM4 WHILE STOCK LAST

Timothy Hay
--Jerami Timothy

100% Natural
--100% Semulajadi

Origin: Australia / USA
--Berasal dari Australia / A.S.

Necessary feed for guinea pig for fang grinding to keep the fang short. Long fang will disrupt feeding.
--Makanan keperluan untuk guinea pig bagi pengisaran taring supaya taring kekal pendek. Taring panjang akan mengganggu pemakanan.
Suitable as food and bedding for small animals such as rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, prairie dog and other rodent.
--Sesuai dijadikan makanan dan binca untuk haiwan perliharaan kecil seperti arnab, guinea pig, dan hamster.

-Hay more than 2kg will be packed in our own way unless requested and the request can be done.
#guineapig #rabbit #hamster #alfalfa #timothy #hay #feed #jerami #wonderpethouse #hannycaviary

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Wonder Pet House Pet Products Supplier, Health Supplements Supply, Crystal Berry Distributor in George Town, Penang, Malaysia | Wonder Pet House