Recent visit to Wuxi Koi farm, China

Recent visit to Wuxi Koi farm, China

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Picture shows getting fries ready for culling by experienced staff of the farm.

It's the busier time for a koi farm when culling starts. Koi from Wuxi farm has been selling very well locally due to its high quality and the huge domestic market. It is not unusual for a customer to travel for 10 over hours by train to pick up Koi from the farm!

We only air freight Wuxi Koi to Malaysia for competition (China domestic demand for Koi is very huge!) and to-date only one Malaysian customer has the privilege of raising Wuxi koi as he ordered them from Wuxi direct via it's website He is Mr AC Ng of Xin Hwa trading & transport.

Log on to for better understanding of our Wuxi farm.