2022 shines the brightest ! The Piano Solution year-end concert !【乐动心弦-年终演奏会】

2022 shines the brightest ! The Piano Solution year-end concert !【乐动心弦-年终演奏会】

What an exciting 2022 ! The Piano Solution year-end concert is officially announced to be held on 13th September 2022!

2022年最闪耀!【The Piano Solution乐动心弦】年终演奏会!

The Piano Solution 2022 concert will take place at Esplanade Recital Hall, with over 240 capacity and highly-equipped staging.

Programme will be specially curated by students and teachers of The Piano Solution. 

Sessions will be divided into following: 
【First half】16:00-17:30 
【Second half】 18:30-20:00

The Piano Solution look forward to welcoming you to join us in this highly anticipated musical event. 

It will be a memorable day for pur student to showcase their hard-work and a great day to celebrate music!


2022年最闪耀!【The Piano Solution乐动心弦】年终演奏会正式宣布在今年9月举办!

这一次机会千载难逢,The Piano Solution演奏会首次在新加坡【Esplanade’s Recital Studio】举办,所有席位能够容下超过240名观众,跳以往不同的演奏场地、设备以及团队为您准备最棒的演出!

所有表演者将由The Piano Solution的专业教师 & 学员组成,活动将会在来临的2022年9月13日。




The Piano Solution钢琴学堂期待您的莅临,与我们共襄盛举,享受这一次精心筹备的音乐盛宴。同时,也将成为The Piano Solution钢琴学堂小朋友毕生难忘的一场音乐演奏会,就让我们用当天的演奏来告诉大家我们对音乐的热爱!