How Many of the 55 Fields Are Related to the Buyer? 55项里面有几项是涉及买家的?

How Many of the 55 Fields Are Related to the Buyer? 55项里面有几项是涉及买家的?

How Many of the 55 Fields Are Related to the Buyer?

Among the nine main categories of required e-Invoice data, only the following six fields need to be collected from the buyer:

1. Buyer’s Name
2. Buyer’s TIN (Tax Identification Number) / Identity Card Number
3. Buyer’s Address
4. Buyer’s Contact Number
5. Buyer’s Email Address
6. Buyer’s SST Registration Number (if applicable)


  1. 买方姓名
  2. 买方 TIN/买方身份证号码
  3. 买方地址
  4. 买方联系电话
  5. 买方电子邮件
  6. 买方 SST 注册号(如适用)