Pneumatic / Hydrostatic Testing
Pneumatic / Hydrostatic Testing


Pneumatic / Hydrostatic Testing

We are experienced in evaluating the structural integrity of pressure vessels before and after their installation. This ensures no accidents occur in the lead-up to commissioning of complex utility networks, and we are prepared to respond immediately if any deviations are detected.
Pneumatic Testing

1. Suitable for Low-Volume Testing

  • Advantage: Pneumatic testing is effective for systems or components that are too small or delicate for hydrostatic testing. It’s ideal for low-volume applications and when the amount of liquid required for hydrostatic tests is impractical.

2. Immediate Results

  • Advantage: Pneumatic testing can provide immediate results as air or gas is relatively easy to pressurize and release. This quick turnaround is beneficial for rapid inspections.

3. Detects Leaks More Effectively Under Certain Conditions

  • Advantage: Pneumatic testing can be more sensitive to detecting small leaks due to the rapid expansion and compression of gases, which can highlight minute leaks that might be missed in hydrostatic tests.

4. No Need for Large Quantities of Water

  • Advantage: Pneumatic testing does not require large amounts of water or other liquids, which is advantageous in environments where water availability is limited or when dealing with components sensitive to water.

5. Lower Costs for Small Components

  • Advantage: For small or intricate components, pneumatic testing is often more cost-effective than hydrostatic testing due to the lower operational costs and equipment requirements.

Hydrostatic Testing

1. Safer for High-Pressure Applications

  • Advantage: Hydrostatic testing is generally considered safer for high-pressure applications. The use of liquid reduces the risk of explosive decompression compared to gases, making it suitable for high-pressure vessels and pipelines.

2. Provides a More Accurate Measure of Structural Integrity

  • Advantage: Hydrostatic testing exerts a uniform pressure on the entire component or system, providing a more accurate assessment of structural integrity and the ability to detect weaknesses or flaws.

3. No Risk of Compressibility Issues

  • Advantage: Unlike pneumatic testing, which involves compressible gases, hydrostatic testing uses incompressible liquids. This means that the pressure applied during the test is directly proportional to the volume of liquid, leading to more reliable test results.

4. Simulates Actual Operating Conditions

  • Advantage: Hydrostatic testing closely simulates actual operating conditions, as it tests the system under pressure similar to or exceeding normal operating conditions. This makes it an effective method for verifying the strength and durability of the component.

5. Effective for Large Systems

  • Advantage: Hydrostatic testing is ideal for large systems and components, such as pipelines and pressure vessels, where the use of a large volume of liquid is practical and necessary for thorough testing.