刑事法典 第411条: 不诚实地接收赃物

刑事法典 第411条: 不诚实地接收赃物

任何人不诚实地接收或收藏任何赃物 , 並明知或有理由相信该赃物为赃物,必须判处最高可达五年之监禁、或罚款、或兩者兼施。又如果该赃物為一摩多车辆、或第379A条释义之任何摩多车辆或其任何组成部份,必须判处不少过六个月但不超过五年之监禁,並可另加罚款。

Disclaimer: Efforts have been made to ensure accuracy of the information at the time of publishment. However, we shall not liable for any direct or indirect losses for the reader who rely on the information given. The information could be varied due to update of version, kindly refer to the website of Attorney General’s Chamber of Malaysia for the latest update.

#马来西亚刑事法典 #律师 #AKCO