New medicine in the Metaverse (5G Quantum Medicine) - explaining bioresonance therapy

New medicine in the Metaverse (5G Quantum Medicine) - explaining bioresonance therapy

What is 5G Quantum Medicine?
It is a combination of: energy medicine, frequency medicine, cosmic energy, consciousness energy, bioresonance therapy

What is Bioresonance Therapy (BRT)?
Bioresonance therapy (BRT) is a non-invasive treatment that utilizes the body’s biophysics. It does not interfere with routine treatments and is suitable for children and infants, even sensitive patients.

What does it treat?
Almost any condition can benefit from bioresonance therapy. With BRT, the underlying causes of chronic and degenerative diseases can be addressed.
BRT is known for treating stress factors that may contribute to illness. Some common symptoms of environmental stressors include body aches, tiredness, indigestion, constipation, skin blemishes, or just a general feeling of discomfort or not-so-well health.
environmental stressors
In today's modern world, external environmental stressors are numerous. These range from the use of pesticides and chemicals, environmental toxins, radiation and electromagnetic fields, toxic metals, plastics, pharmaceuticals, which all end up in our air, food or drinking water. These pollutants disrupt normal biological processes and create a toxic "load" on our systems. Our bodies can cope with these stressors to a certain extent, but if the stress becomes too much, the result is illness.

What does it do?
BRT treatment will help the body reduce toxin or stress load and restore "self-regulation," enhancing the body's ability to heal and repair.

How does it work?
The theory behind BRT is that every cell in the body resonates at a specific frequency, similar to a tuning fork resonating and producing sound waves. Groups of cells (such as organs) resonate at their frequencies, producing electromagnetic fields and unique frequency patterns.
Under normal physiological conditions, your body synchronizes different oscillation (wave) processes. However, when pathological conditions arise, these waves can be interrupted or intensified, leading to disease. For example, this disease state may occur due to the predominance of excitation (pathological stress), leading to functional disruption of the central nervous system and thus to disease abnormalities.
BRT is based on the theory that cells communicate with each other through biophotons or "flashes" (photon radiation) of specific frequencies. Biophysics researchers believe that the biophysics of the body controls the biochemical levels, which in turn controls the biological structure of the organs.
BRT manipulates these frequencies to improve an individual's health. It does this by downregulating unhealthy frequencies and upregulating healthy frequencies.

Is it safe?
BRT is a non-invasive, painless, and safe treatment that can be used at any age.
In the vast majority of cases, BRT is very well tolerated. For over 25 years it has been used in a wide range of people from infants to adults.
Some treatments may cause short-term reactions. These can include:
  • Headache,
  • mild nausea,
  • Or tired.
These effects should not last longer than 24 hours and can be reduced by drinking plenty of clean, filtered, low-mineral water.
Healing crisis are considered a sign that treatment is effective. These are called restorative responses. Even if they're a little uncomfortable, that's evidence of the healing process.

How does treatment feel?
You may feel like nothing is happening during the treatment; however, frequency conditioning is happening internally. You may also feel warm air or electricity flowing through your body, or even tingling, swinging, numbness, mood swings, etc. These reactions indicate that the body is using the information it receives from BRT to work within the body.
Don't worry, everything is the best response. If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the teacher or ask in the group.
Typically, it takes at least 3 to 6 sessions before patients begin to feel signs of improvement.

How did BRT develop?
BRT originated in the 1970s with Dr. Franz Morell, a German physician who used homeopathy in his practice. Homeopathy is a "message therapy" and one of the principles is that water has memory. Homeopathy uses information from substances diluted many times in water. Dr. Morell wondered if it would be possible to develop an "electronic homeopathic remedy."
Dr. Morell began collaborating with his son-in-law Erich Rasche, an electrical engineer, and Dr. Ludger Mersmann, a biophysicist. Together, in 1977, they developed a filter that separated "disease" electromagnetic signals from "healthy" electromagnetic signals. This led to a biofeedback therapy device called MORA, which uses electrodes on the skin. These collect energy information, modify it, and then feed it back to the patient to enhance "health" energy and eliminate "disease" energy in the body.
Today, BRT machines are called BICOMs and there are more than 10,000 units in Germany alone. These are used by doctors and naturopaths in private practice.

How long is the treatment time?
A typical 60-minute treatment combines several treatment procedures, some using information from the body and some using information from substances. The altered information is played back into the body via large electromagnetic pads covering the patient's spine. During the treatment, the body is "stimulated" as it resonates with the healing frequencies from BICOM.