Share&Win Free 3D Design During Covid-19 Pandemic

Share&Win Free 3D Design During Covid-19 Pandemic

室内设计图免费送 Free ID Concept
来碰碰运气赢取吧 Try you Luck and Win

活动日期: 20/4/20 - 3/5/20       
3/5/20 晚上将公布得奖幸运者名单在FB主页 
Event Period: 20/4/20 - 3/5/20
This event will have 8 winners by randomly picking system
We will be announcing the winner list on Kitchen Story Facebook Fan Page                       

* 没选中得参赛者, 也将会获得优惠价格来索取室内设计图喔!
* Not a winner? You will still get our Interior Design Concept 3D at special price!

1. 留言:谢谢Kitchen Story / Thankyou Kitchen Story
2. 记得@3个您的朋友在留言区 / Tag 3 of your friends in comment
3. 分享此贴 / Share Posting
4. 到Kitchen Story Penang 主页按赞 / Like Kitchen Story Page

点击这里参赛  Click this link to Participate

此项活动是为了配合疫情Covid-19, 也借此机会帮助更多经济能力有限的人群
This activity is specially designed for Covid-19 Pandemic period.

Whatsapps: 0194804191
Email: [email protected]
Contact- 04-6262391
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