IP Camera

IP Camera

Internet Protocol camera, also called IP camera or network camera. An IP camera sends video in digital form over the Internet, allowing you to view the video feed from anywhere. The footage can be viewed from any computer or mobile phone in the world Unlike analog closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV), IP cameras do not require a local recording device, only a local network, it can control the camera remotely. You can configure an IP camera to view live or continuously record. It's also a versatile solution that can be moved if necessary. IP cameras can be used to monitor your home or business and provide live or recorded video at any time.


Here are some other advantages of using IP camera:

Audio is two-way. A camera owner can listen to and speak to a subject through the camera's speaker. This feature is available on some doorbell cameras.

Remote access. Live video footage can be viewed by authorised users from any smartphone, tablet, or computer.

Better resolution. The resolution of IP cameras can be up to four times that of analog cameras.

Less cables and wires. Power over Ethernet provides power to the camera via the Ethernet cable, allowing it to operate without a dedicated power supply.

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