Ting Liang Jiun (Mindy)
Ting Liang Jiun (Mindy)


Ting Liang Jiun (Mindy)

Mindy Ting
Piano Teacher
  • Graduated from the Department of Music at Soochow University in Taiwan, majoring in piano
  • With 3 years of Experience in Piano Teaching
Educational Background:
  • Studied at Soochow University in Taiwan, majoring in piano.

Achievements and Experience:
  • Started learning piano at the age of 8, with a rich background in music education.
  • Also has experience in playing the cello, began playing in the orchestra at the age of 14, and has performed with the orchestra on multiple occasions.
  • Held two piano solo concerts, with extensive performance experience. Was invited to perform the "Youth Piano Concerto" in 2017.
  • Proficient in providing accompaniment for other musical instruments, and frequently participates in chamber music performances, with extensive stage experience.

Teaching Style:
  • Values the individual characteristics of students in teaching, devises personalized teaching plans, and adjusts teaching methods flexibly.
  • Emphasizes the cultivation of students' musical imagination and creativity, while focusing on basic skills and technique training.
  • Shares personal practice and learning methods and experiences without reservation, helping students overcome difficulties and guiding them to learn piano correctly and comprehensively.
Teaching Video
Performance Video
Tutorial Video