AIRMAN Air Compressor 850CFM

AIRMAN Air Compressor 850CFM

Heading out , Heading out

Our 850CFM Airman Air compressor headed out to our customer’s site for upcoming project 

您好!我们是全艺 有超过20年的经验 已准备为您服务!

出租,修理 ,买卖

我们有提供发电机,空气压缩机,水泵  聚光灯 ,小神手 ,  滚转机等等 如果能帮助到您 请联络我们

Hi everyone!  We are CMS machinery with over 20 years of experience & ready to serve you!t

Rental , Service , Sales 

We supply Generator, Air compressor , Water pump , Spotlight , Mini excavator, roller and etc . Do feel free to contact us