AMILAN™ Nylon Resin Properties of CM3001G-30 - Water absorption properties

AMILAN™ Nylon Resin Properties of CM3001G-30 - Water absorption properties

Equilibrium water absorption

Figure 4-1: Change in equilibrium water absorption as a function of relative humidity

Figure 4-1: Change in equilibrium water absorption as a function of relative humidity

Rate of water absorption

  • Figure 4-2: Rate of water absorption immersed in water

    Figure 4-2: Rate of water absorption immersed in water

  • Figure 4-3: Relationship between immersion water temperature and water absorption

    Figure 4-3: Relationship between immersion water temperature and water absorption

  • Figure 4-4: Change in water absorption as a function of immersion water temperature

    Figure 4-4: Change in water absorption as a function of immersion water temperature