Street Bunting / Lamp Post Bunting (One-stop service)
Street Bunting / Lamp Post Bunting (One-stop service)


Street Bunting / Lamp Post Bunting (One-stop service)

Street bunting / lamp post bunting refers to decorative buntings typically hung along streets and lamp posts, often for promotional or celebratory purposes. It serves as a visually appealing way to advertise events, festivals, businesses, or special offers. The benefits include increased visibility, attracting attention, creating a festive atmosphere, and effectively communicating messages to a wide audience, enhancing brand recognition and community engagement.

Material Options:
  1. PVC Pipe & String
  2. Wooden Stick & Iron Wire

Our Service included:
  1. Design & printing.
  2. Bunting hanging & remove.
  3. Licensing with local authorities.

*Any bunting/banner advertisement MUST required license and obtain approval from the Council. A permit will be issued for each installation of buntings/banners for advertisements hung on buildings & street. Contact us for more information.*