Attention all valued customers of “Vegetalk” seasoning powder,
We wish to express our deepest gratitude to all of you for supporting and recognising “Vegetalk” seasoning powder ever since our brand was established many years ago.
With regards to the declaration made by “POLOKU” on their company website commenting that there are some dishonest companies such as Vegetalk who are selling non authentic, fake seasoning powder. Vegetalk would like to stress that all our products are 100% authentic and do not bear any “POLOKU” logo or the company name POLOKU Trading Company.
Our packaging only carries our own

Vegetalk labelling and our products do not use any raw materials or ingredients from Taiwan Hsin Sui Industry Co. Ltd.
Vegetalk Food Supplies Pte Ltd is an independent company and has no partnership relation with POLOKU Trading Company or Taiwan Hsin Sui Industry Co. Ltd.
Vegetalk products are certified and have been awarded the prestigious Singapore Brand in 2012. Our seasoning contains no MSG, no additives and preservatives, therefore poses no harm to consumers’ well-being.
We strongly urge customers to recognise our logo and Singapore Brand as the only authentic product in the market.
For more information, please log on to our company’s website
For more information, please log on to our company’s wedsite
We appreciate all the supports showered on us. We will continue to serve our valued customers with Vegetalk authentic healthy vegetarian products, especially our best-selling vegetalk Mushroom Seasoning.
本公司Vegetalk Food Supplies Pte Ltd創業至今已數十年,非常感謝各界支持者多年來對Vegetalk Mushroom Seasoning(香菇調味料)的肯定。
事關“POLOKU”菠蘿菇全球資訊網頁刊登聲明啟事,指有一些不肖廠商如 Vegetalk Food Supplies Pte Ltd所銷售之調味料均非“真品”一事,本公司提供下列幾點聲明:
1.) 本公司數十年以來,在商場、各大餐館、百貨公司所售賣之Vegetalk Mushroom Seasoning香菇調味料,貨真價實純屬真品,並非其聲明中之指責,印有“菠蘿菇”商標與“菠蘿菇原料供應商”(POLOKU TRADING)字樣,本公司產品唯印有
3.)Vegetalk Mushroom Seasoning香菇調味料不含有味精及化學添加物產品,也跟台灣鑫穗實業有限公司並無合作關係。
4.)本公司產品持有驗證衛生號FB37508001,並榮獲新加坡品牌獎2012 Certificate No.12/0268、清真(Halal Singapore) Certificate No.PRX 13030003478。
5.)消費者可以放心使用Vegetalk Mushroom Seasoning香菇調味料產品,並對健康不造成損害。