Covid-19 Home Challenge Yoga
Covid-19 Home Challenge Yoga


Covid-19 Home Challenge Yoga

Hello to all yogis & yoginis, 
Distance ≠ Disconnected
For those of you who are wanting to raise your vibrations and seeking for mindful connection to flow within your own home, join us in our HypnoSurYoga’s
Covid-19 Home Challenge Yoga 
Please do practice your regular yoga like Surya Namaskar etc. everyday, and then attempt the
There will be one selected challenging  yoga asana each time during this yoga challenge, where you can post your best yoga picture of the
There is no limit to entries. You can post your yoga pictures as many times as you want during the yoga challenge. You are also welcomed to share your daily personal yoga practice videos & pictures & experiences  with us as well to support each other during this time. 
We will then share your pictures on our Instagram page. You can tag your pictures and share them with your family, friends and your loved ones to get as many likes as you can. The picture that gets the most likes on Instagram will win the best prize!*
*t&c applies 
If you can’t go outside, flow within~
Get ready on your mat , join in the yoga challenge now!  We will kick start the  #covid-19homechallengeyoga with an asana to bring out the warrior spirit in you:
Day 1 (27th March 2020) 
Virabhadrasana III - Warrior III Pose 
Join in the challenge now! 