Home Autogate

Home Autogate

Common Problem

Risk of being robbed

When you get out of the car to open or close the gates, you are exposed to the risk of being robbed. You are constantly worried about the safety of your family and loved one especially when they come home alone.

Getting wet during rainy day

You need to get out from your car during a heavy down pour to open the gate. It is even worst if you don’t have any umbrella in your car.

Long repairing time

Some vendors may take 2 to 3 weeks waiting for spare part to arrive from overseas.

Frequent breakdown

You are wasting your previous time waiting for installer to come service your defective autogate for every break down.


More secure

MAG autogates come with automatic locks and remote control, get you away with the need to get out of the car to open and close the gates significantly lowers the risk of something happening while you are outside the car such as getting mugged or having your car stolen.

More convenient

MAG autogates offer convenience of not having to physically open the gate in order to gain enter or exit the premise. It is convenient especially in a rainstorm or other bad weather conditions. It usually control by a remote control, card readers, or sensors.

Up and running in shortest time

MAG barrier gate has full spare part availability locally for your convenience. You don’t have to wait for weeks or months for spare part to be imported from overseas. Get it fixed faster to avoid security threat.

Designed to last longer

MAG motor is engineered with high precision gear system with good grade material. You can trust our durabiity with thousands of proven satisfied customer for last 30 years in Malaysia and worldwide.

How to choose the right home autogate?

MAG autogate is well-known among the Malaysian home since 1980. We are among the pioneer in autogate industry with thousands of proven satisfied customer for last 30 years in Malaysia and worldwide.