Ocean Tears: Unveiling the Soulful Symbolism Behind the ArtLympic's Enchanting Sculpture
Ocean Tears: Unveiling the Soulful Symbolism Behind the ArtLympic's Enchanting Sculpture


Ocean Tears: Unveiling the Soulful Symbolism Behind the ArtLympic's Enchanting Sculpture

JCI Sunway Damansara extends heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Lee Kah Boon of Dasein Academy of Art for generously sponsoring the captivating Ocean Tears sculpture, which took center stage at the Ocean ArtLympic Opening Ceremony Launching Gimmick on the 18th of November, 2023.

🌊 Ocean Tears 🌊

Description of Ocean Sculpture:
A surreal turtle embodies the essence of a sensitive person in the real world. Despite its cheerful appearance, its true nature is more complex than one might think. 

The eyes in the shell represent a sensitive and delicate heart that is easily affected by the opinions of others. While these individuals may seem perfect to others, as the ancients said, "knowing people knows their faces but not their hearts.

" We are not always our true selves, and what others see is often only the side we choose to show. Only I can truly understand what is happening in my heart.

Ms. Lee Kah Boon's sponsorship of "Ocean Tears" for the Ocean ArtLympic Opening Ceremony not only enhances the beauty of the event but also contributes to the exploration of profound themes through art. The unveiling of this sculpture marks a significant moment, inviting all to reflect on the intricacies of human nature and the beauty that lies in acknowledging and understanding the depths of the heart.

The Ocean Tears sculpture stands not just as a work of art but as a poignant reminder that, like the vast ocean, the human experience is multifaceted, rich with emotions that are often unspoken and concealed beneath a serene exterior.