Malaysia, Singapore ready for RTS link rail installation by year-end.
The Johor Bahru – Singapore Rapid Transit System (RTS) Link Project between Singapore and Malaysia is reaching another significant milestone. The Infrastructure Companies (InfraCos) of Malaysia and Singapore will grant RTS Operations Pte Ltd (RTSO) access to the RTS Link civil structures progressively by the end of this year. This will allow RTSO to commence the installation works for the RTS Link rail systems. 2. The InfraCos, appointed by their respective Governments, are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining the RTS Link civil infrastructure. RTSO is a joint venture company formed between Prasarana RTS Sdn Bhd and SMRT RTS Pte Ltd to operate the RTS Link service.
The progress seen is smooth and hit the timeline. When RTS Completed by the end of 2026. It aims to ease traffic congestion on the Causeway – one of the world's busiest border crossings – by ferrying up to 10,000 passengers an hour each way on a journey that takes about five minutes.

The viaduct aesthetic feature - meant to depict the clasping of hands. (Photo: LTA, Mass Rapid Transit Corporation)

The RTS Link maintenance depot in Malaysia. (Photo: Mass Rapid Transit Corporation)

Basement 2 of Malaysia's immigration hall will be part of the RTS Link. (Photo: LTA)
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