研究发现人类生物学对太阳和地磁活动变化的反应 Study Finds Human Biology Responses To Changes In Solar And Geomagnetic Activity
“这难道不令人震撼吗?” 研究引发深思:我们对自己健康的认知究竟有多深?
研究详细指出,在太阳活动高峰期(每10.5至11年出现一次),太阳会释放更强的紫外线(UV)能量及太阳射电辐射(通过2.8 GHz信号测量)。尽管太阳与地磁影响人体的具体机制尚未完全明确,但可确定的是,这类活动广泛作用于人类健康与行为模式,其中心血管与神经系统受到的直接影响最为显著。
综合数据表明,人类自主神经系统不仅会响应太阳与地磁活动的实时变化,其节律更与地磁共振(geomagnetic field-line resonances)及舒曼共振(Schumann resonances)的时变磁场同步。
人体神经系统通过阿尔芬波(Alfvén waves)或舒曼共振(地球-电离层腔体的超低频驻波)与地磁频率产生共振耦合,而这类频率恰与生理节律波段重叠。
A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health had results that are consistent with other studies showing changes in solar and geomagnetic activity correlate with changes in the human nervous system activity.
It’s long been known that all biological systems on Earth are exposed to invisible magnetic fields of all kinds, and at all ranges of frequencies, and that these fields can affect every cell and circuit to a greater or lesser degree. A number of physiological rhythms, as the study points out, have been shown to be synchronized with solar and geomagnetic activity.
As the study points out:
Human regulatory systems are designed to adapt to daily and seasonal climatic and geomagnetic variations; however, sharp changes in solar and geomagnetic activity and geomagnetic storms can stress these regulatory systems, resulting in alterations in melatonin/serotonin balance, blood pressure, immune system, reproductive, cardiac, and neurological processes. Disturbed geomagnetic activity is associated with the intensification of existing diseases, significant increases in myocardial infarction incidence and death, changes in blood flow, aggregation, and coagulation, increased blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, and seizures in epileptics.
Fascinating, isn’t it? It makes one wonder just how much we know about our health and what influences it.
The study outlines how, during periods of increased solar activity, which peaks every 10.5 to 11 years, “the sun emits increased ultraviolet (UV) energy and solar radio flub, which is measured by the 2.8 GHz signal” and “although the details of the physiological mechanisms in humans and animals are not yet fully understood, it is apparent that solar and magnetic influences affect a wide range of human health and behavioral processes, with the cardiovascular and nervous systems being the most clearly affected.”
The study goes on to outline several examples where the human autonomic nervous system seems to be responding to this type of activity.
For this specific study, ten healthy individuals from the ages of 34 to 65 years old participated, with an average age of 53. Their Heart Rate Variability (HRV) was recorded for 31 consecutive days. To see the methods and results, as well as the statistical analysis, limitations, and more, please refer to the actual study.
Based on their results, the authors concluded:
Overall, the study suggests that daily autonomic nervous system activity not only responds to changes in solar and geomagnetic activity, but is synchronized with the time-varying magnetic fields associated with geomagnetic field-line resonances and Schumann resonances. A likely explanation for how solar and geomagnetic fields can influence human nervous system activity is through a resonant coupling between our nervous systems and geomagnetic frequencies (Alfvén waves), or ultra low frequency standing waves in the earth-ionosphere resonant cavity (Schumann resonances) that overlap with physiological rhythms.
They also explain,
“To follow up and confirm these profound findings, an international study with 104 participants in five countries was conducted. The preliminary findings have confirmed and extended the results of the first study and they indicate humanity’s heart rhythms are synchronized on a global scale. We are synchronized not only with each other, but also with the earth’s energetic systems.”
🩷Synchronization of Human Autonomic Nervous System Rhythms with Geomagnetic Activity in Human Subjects