Important of Lightning Protection System

Important of Lightning Protection System

The function of an external lightning protection system is to intercept, conduct and disperse a system is to intercept, conduct and disperse a lightning strike safely to earth.
Without such a system, a building's structure and the people, equipment and electrical systems around or within it, are all at risk.
Lightning strikes, or even electrical discharges resulting from nearby lightning, can cause damage or injury in from nearby lightning, can cause damage or injury in many ways. Lightning can cause fires, explosions, chemical release or mechanical disruption within or around a structure.

Step and touch voltages generated from a lightning strike can cause injury, or even loss of life, to humans (and animals) in the close vicinity. Critical services, such as mains power and telecoms etc., can be heavily disrupted by lightning strikes, resulting in major potential losses. Offices risk physical damage to servers and PCs, as well as loss of key data;  factories risk machinery downtime and repair costs along with health and safety hazard to personnel.  Clearly, lightning inflicted damage could have enormous implications for a company, in terms of both human and financial cost. Protecting against the potentially severe consequences of a lightning strike therefore becomes becomes a vital consideration for many companies, both large and small, across a wide variety of industries.
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