Tennis/Golf Elbow

Tennis/Golf Elbow

Tennis Elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and Golf Elbow (medial epicondylitis) are painful conditions affecting the tendons in the elbow due to repetitive stress and overuse.


  • Repetitive motions common in sports such as tennis, golf, and other activities involving repetitive gripping or twisting motions
  • Improper technique or equipment usage exacerbating the stress on tendons
Why Choose Us:
  • Specialized Expertise: Our team comprises specialized healthcare professionals with extensive experience in diagnosing and treating tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) and golf elbow (medial epicondylitis). We have a proven track record of successfully managing these conditions.

  • Comprehensive Care: We offer comprehensive care that includes accurate diagnosis, personalized treatment plans, and rehabilitation programs tailored to your specific needs and lifestyle.

For more information and inquire, please feel free to contact us. Thank You!