Audit Advisory

Audit Advisory

Beyond fulfilling statutory compliance and regulatory requirements, auditing and financial reporting are crucial for delivering valuable insights into a company’s financial performance and guiding important business decisions. Under the Companies Act 1965, a statutory audit is mandated for both public and private limited companies. The core objective of a statutory audit is to assess whether an organization’s financial statements present a true and fair view of its financial position.

Our deep understanding of company legislation, approved auditing practices, and accounting standards empowers us to assist clients with complex reporting challenges effectively.

Our services include:

  • Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring adherence to relevant laws and regulations.

  • Advice on Controls and System Weaknesses: Identifying and addressing weaknesses in your controls and processing systems.

  • Confirmation of Accounting Treatments: Providing guidance on accounting treatments for intricate transactions.

  • Monitoring of Accounting and Regulatory Changes: Keeping you informed about potential changes in accounting standards and regulations.

  • Independent Review: Conducting unbiased reviews of externally reported information.

  • Accountants’ Reports: Preparing detailed and accurate reports to support your financial statements.

Our expertise ensures that your financial reporting is both compliant and reliable, helping you navigate complex issues with confidence