

Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese therapy that falls under the category of acupuncture but does not involve needle insertion. Instead, it uses the heat generated by burning mugwort (moxa) to stimulate specific acupuncture points or affected areas. In Chinese medicine, mugwort is believed to open up meridians, warm the body, stop bleeding, expel cold, and relieve pain. Western medical analysis shows that mugwort contains volatile oils such as cineol and thujone, which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic effects. The antioxidants released during moxibustion penetrate through the skin at the acupuncture points, helping to eliminate free radicals and boost the immune system.

Benefits of Moxibustion:

  • Warms and Dispels Cold: The heat from moxibustion helps to expel cold and is beneficial for conditions caused by cold and dampness.
  • Promotes Qi and Blood Circulation: It helps to improve blood flow and relieve pain by promoting the flow of Qi and blood.
  • Boosts Immunity: Moxibustion enhances metabolism and strengthens the immune system.
  • Regulates the Body: It helps with conditions caused by blocked meridians and insufficient Qi and blood circulation.

Precautions for Moxibustion:

  • Avoid washing hands or bathing with cold water within 30 minutes after moxibustion.
  • Do not perform moxibustion when fasting, overly full, intoxicated, or on inflamed areas of the body.