

Bloodletting therapy is an ancient method in traditional Chinese medicine where a small amount of blood is released from specific acupuncture points or superficial veins. This technique is simple to perform and is especially effective in treating acute and severe conditions. It works by improving blood circulation, removing toxins, and helping to balance the body's energy (Qi). Bloodletting therapy is a natural method with rapid effects and no side effects, providing significant benefits in addressing blood circulation issues.

Benefits of Bloodletting Therapy:

  • Expels Pathogenic Factors: Bloodletting helps clear toxins and pathogenic factors from the body, restoring balance.
  • Promotes Blood Circulation: It enhances blood flow and removes blood stasis, improving circulation in areas with poor blood flow.
  • Regulates Qi and Blood: This therapy helps harmonize the flow of Qi and blood, contributing to overall health and balance.
  • Restores Vital Energy: By clearing obstructions, it helps strengthen the body’s immune system and restore its self-regulatory capabilities.

Precautions for Bloodletting Therapy:

  • Weak Constitution: Individuals with a weak constitution should avoid this therapy.
  • Pregnant and Postpartum Women: Bloodletting is not recommended for pregnant or postpartum women.
  • Anemia: Anemic patients should not undergo bloodletting due to their already low blood volume.
  • Infectious Diseases: Individuals with infectious diseases should avoid this therapy.
  • Clotting Disorders: People with poor blood clotting mechanisms should avoid bloodletting therapy.
  • Excitability or Needle Phobia: Those who are overly anxious or prone to fainting from needles should not undergo this treatment.