Continuous operating temperatures of 125°C are often demanded of the hoses used in plastics production or on printing presses and compressors. NORRES has developed a new polyurethane type based on the premium polyurethane Pre-PUR® that is more resistant to heat and less susceptible to ageing than other materials.

The polymer is cross linked by NORRES in an innovative process to create a material that shows a 40 percent improvement in mechanical stability during heat exposure. NORRES hoses with the HT-PUR symbol can be heated to a continuous operating temperature of 125°C and withstand peaks of up to 150°C.

Advantages of HT-PUR hoses at a glance:

  • Longer service life
  • Less wear
  • High compressive strength at higher temperatures
    → Lower operating costs
  • Good resistance to chemicals, oil and petrol
  • Lighter, more flexible and cheaper than other materials such as metal
  • Capable of electrostatic discharge