(ILSS) Repair & Maintenance
(ILSS) Repair & Maintenance


(ILSS) Repair & Maintenance

ILSS is a vital components for Ambulances, fire rescue units and other emergency vehicles.

It shines, strobe, activate high frequency and low frequency sounds to notify and warn other road users during emergency operations.

Repair and maintenance ILSS involves troubleshooting both electrical and mechanical components, which can vary depending on the manufacturer and model of the system. Below is a general guide to help you with diagnosing and repairing these systems:

Repair & Maintenace procedures involved:

1. Initial Inspection: Visual inspection and test for corrosion.

2. Power Supply Test:Mainly focused on fuses, power sources and available batteries.

3. Diagnosing Lightbar Issues: LED or bulb replacement, broken wires and control module functinings.

4.Diagnosing Siren Issues: Speakers, wire hareness & control module.

5. Testing and Replacing Components: Mainly covers circuit board, control module and relays.

6. Reassemble and Functions Test.

7. Final Checks: Mainly on waterproofing, seals and mountiong facilities.

Due to ILSS complex wiring harness and most control circuit modules are beyond simple repair, our well trained professional technicions and vendors are able to diagnose, rectify and test the system, and to prolong the original ILSS service lifespan to a higher level. Our clients will have a shorter maintenance down time, and emergency operations will not be greatly affected.

When to Seek Professional Help:
  • Complex Wiring Issues: If you're unable to trace the wiring issues or if there’s a complicated electrical problem, it may be best to consult a professional technician.
  •  Control Module or Circuit Board Repair: If the circuit board or control module is beyond simple repair (e.g., damaged components or burned-out areas), you might need a replacement or a professional repair service.

Let me know if you need help with a specific brand or model, or if you run into any particular issues during your repair !