Building relationships whilst serving you and your business in the most effective manner. 建立关系的同时以最有效的方式为您和您的企业提供服务的整体愿景

Building relationships whilst serving you and your business in the most effective manner. 建立关系的同时以最有效的方式为您和您的企业提供服务的整体愿景

Our services reflect our overall vision in building relationships whilst serving you and your business in the most effective manner. Your success will be enhanced by our specialized professional guidance .


Based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, DSA & KW FONG offers one-stop corporate services for both local and international clients, making business registration to operations seamless. We provide strong support to help entrepreneurs thrive in the dynamic market.

Posted by DSA Corporate Secretarial Services Sdn Bhd on 6 Dec 24