New Release : DropWatcher
New Release : DropWatcher


New Release : DropWatcher

Conventional high speed camera systems are bulky and expensive and mainly used for liquid drop research and analysis, which is not applicable for in line real time monitoring. As a result, precision dispensing control normally use micro scales to calibrate dispensing volume for consistent dispensing purpose. . However ,micro scale is not efficient neither accurate enough besides the incapability to check liquid drop volume variations . To enhance the dispensing system precision , real time liquid drop volume measurement capability is the way to go . 

With this understanding, Droptical research team spent years of efforts to develop the most advanced liquid drop optical inspection technology. Droptical technology integrates a miniaturized  camera system enabling camera system attachable right to the jet valve nozzle for near sight surveillance and inspection.

With the special developed software, Droptical optical inspection system is able to detect every signal drop volume and speed up to 200 hz/sec or even higher . Real time drop volume measurement capability makes it possible to check if drop volume is out of the specification and subsequently calibrate the drop volume automatically through feedback signal to jet valve to ensure consistency of dispensing volume. 

Consistent dispensing problems can happen because of several factors including unstable air pressure,air bubbles in material , deteriorated piezo stack or poor quality nozzle ending up glue residue sticking at the end of jet nozzle . Droptical optical inspection system is also able to measure the residue volume sticking to the nozzle for inconsistent dispensing warming . 

In micro electronics, satellite drop is a crucial issue for high speed high frequency circuits boards . Droptical optical inspection systems can also measure the drop jetting angle while checking the drop volume simultaneously and predict the potential dispensing satellite problems. 

Since Droptical optical inspection system is designed for in line application, Droptical optical inspection camera can be lifted up automatically from jet nozzle to keep on using existing nozzle clean station due to very small size . There is no concern for customers using fully automatic dispensing machines with automatic nozzle cleaning station . 

Droptical optical inspection system is not limited to liquid drop measurement and inspection for industrial market . The technology can also be use for bio or medical dispensing . It can be used for bonding process surveillance as well . 
Droptical optical inspection technology is versatile for different applications because of compact size , low cost and powerful software support. 

傳統的高速攝影機不但體積龐大,笨重 而且只適用於實驗研究分析使用,不適用於即時在線檢測使用。因此大量生產通常使用微磅秤結合軟體來自動調整膠量以維持塗膠的精密要求。使用微磅秤在愈趨微量精密的塗膠應用已經無法滿足品質及效率的要求,更先進的塗膠點膠檢測技術一直是工業界追求的目標。德國Droptical 研發團隊經過多年的努力已經開發出最先進的液滴光學即時檢測技術。Droptical 的液滴光學檢測技術整合微小的鏡頭能輕易安裝在噴射閥的噴嘴做近距離的即時影像監控及檢測。

Droptical 的光學檢測系統具備特殊的軟體,能即時量測高達200 Hz 或更高頻率的每個液滴的體積。液滴體積即時量測的技術讓不但讓使用者能立刻了解液滴的量是否在設定的規格內,系統更具備訊號回饋給壓電閥自動調整膠量的能力。

造成不精密一致的塗膠問題有各種可能的因素,包括液體內含的微氣泡, 不穩定的壓力甚至是老化的壓電塊及噴嘴的品質這些都會造成噴嘴產生殘膠的問題,及最終的塗膠量變異。Droptical 的光學檢測系統具備殘膠偵測及量測的能力,提醒使用者吐膠量變異的辨識能力。

在微電子業塗膠產生的衛星散點對高速高頻的印刷電路板線路是一個致命的問題, 如何及早了解散點可能發生的問題可以從液滴噴射的角度分析,這是Droptical 光學檢測系統的另一個優勢。
Droptical 的光學檢測系統既然是應用在即時檢測,應對自動塗膠系統的噴嘴自動擦拭裝置,Droptical 光學檢測系統具備自動上下移動的功能,不會影響噴嘴擦拭的功能。

Droptical 的光學檢測系統不僅適用於工業用的塗膠檢測,也適用於生物醫療的液滴檢測,甚至半導體貼合bonding 設備即時製程監控,主要來自於Droptical 的技術特點微小體積,低成本投資及強大的軟體支援。