Reverse osmosis is generated when sufficient pressure is placed to the concentrated solution to overcome the osmotic pressure. This pressure is generated by feedwater pumps. Concentrated contaminants (brine) undergo a reduction from the high-pressure side of the RO membrane, and filtered water (permeate) is reduced from the low-pressure side. Normally, 95% of dissolved salts are decreased from the brine. All particulates are gotten rid of. However, due to their molecular porosity, RO membranes won’t remove dissolved gases, such as Cl2, CO2, and O2.
The most pivotal part of any RO system are the membranes. In a general RO system, membranes are comprised of two-to eight-inch diameter sized, spiral wound sheets of semi-permeable material designed to enable pure water to flow through, while keeping back all other impurities. Within industrial applications, the standard length of every membrane has been set to forty inches. These membranes, normally six at a time, are inserted into single housings, which are then arranged into several parallel flow streams, or stages. Typically, reverse osmosis systems contain multiple stages in a single series. More stages mean less water is wasted as each stage reclaims some of the wastewater from the former stage.
The two most usual RO membranes applied in industrial water treatment are cellulose acetate (CA) and polyamide (PA) composite. Nowadays, most membranes are spiral wound. However, hollow fiber configurations are available. In the spiral wound configuration, a flat sheet membrane and spacers are wound around the permeate collection tube to create flow channels for permeate and feedwater. This design enables the flow to be maximized while minimizing the membrane module size. Hollow fiber systems are bundles of tiny, hair-like membrane tubes. Ions undergo rejection when the feedwater permeates the walls of these tubes, and permeate is collected through the hollow center of the fibers. Concentrated brine is made on the outside of the fibers contained by the module housing. VEOLIA has a wide range of pure water spiral wound membranes that are applied in reverse osmosis water applications worldwide. The brackish water membranes possess wide ranging characteristics that customers can select to enable them to desalinate water for applications ranging from the cleanest ultrapure water to complex wastewater treatment. VEOLIA also provides products that are designed for specific pure water applications such as seawater desalination, industrial wastewater treatment, water softening, water for beverage production, and pharmaceutical applications. There are many product series such as AG, AG H, AK, AK H and many more.
As the marquee distributor of VEOLIA Water Technologies & Solutions, TK Water Solutions is more than capable to provide suitable RO membranes for your plant’s needs.