A big change, a robot treats at ADK Sri Langka

A big change, a robot treats at ADK Sri Langka

A big change a robot treats at ADK

ADK Hospital has become the first hospital in Sri Lanka to use robotic technology.

ADK announced the use of a robot in physiotherapy at the 4th Bahrain and Spain Conference at Crossroads. ADK Managing Director, Ahmed Afzal said that the use of robotic technology in healthcare in Sri Lanka was announced at the 2019 conference. He said the work started by ADK has now been successful.

Today you will see treatment with the help of a robot "This is the most advanced robotic rehabilitation technology to be used in Sri Lanka and it will be used to treat the public," he said.

The robot introduced by ADK is a product that helps people with disabilities and physical fitness. A Malaysian product the Keeogo robot will teach people who are disabled to walk again. It will also speed up the treatment process. The patient will be encouraged to sit, squat and walk.

Afzal said he would not stop working to take health services to another level in the future. He said he would introduce modern treatments in the field of neuroscience in the future.

The conference is organized by ADK with the aim of sharing research, innovations and developments in the field. This year's conference was also attended by doctors and healthcare leaaders from around the world.