- Herkimer Diamonds are beautiful and powerful high vibration crystals, that boost clairvoyant and clairaudient abilities.
- They are ascension stones, and they will take you to the highest spiritual vibration possible while still being in your physical body.
- They act as powerful amplifiers when you are using them with a small stone.
- These crystals have powerful metaphysical properties and are strong stones to aid astral travel, as they help to connect the astral plane to the physical plane.
- The meaning of the name Herkimer Diamond, relates to the location where they are where they were first found at Herkimer, New York USA.
- They are not really diamonds but are a variety of double terminated quartz that embody a high crystal energy.
- Herkimers are often extremely clear stones but many have black anthraxolite inclusions. Some even have water inclusions within them, which aid the healing of emotional problems.
- There have been similar double terminated quartz crystal stones that have since been found at other locations.
- Although they really shouldn't be called 'Herkimer Diamonds', often they are sold under this name, or as Arkimer Diamonds, so be aware.
- They look quite similar to other Clear Quartz, but they are generally brighter, and they have a very high vibration. There are also some stones selling now that are labeled Herkimer Quartz.
- Herkimer Diamonds have a distinct and harmonious energy, that is extremely valuable when used as a tool in a healing environment, and are very useful when utilized with small stones.
- There are many rare crystals that have a high vibration, but often the specimens you obtain are very tiny stones. The clearer the stone the purer the vibration seems to be.
- Herkimers have a strong frequency that may stimulate both psychic visions or clairvoyant abilities.
- Many tiny uncommon crystals have a high vibration and will benefit by being combined with this stone, as the combination will boost the energy of the smaller stone.
- When they are used this way, it may feel like you are using a larger stone.
- So if you wish to boost the energy of small stones, you may find it is particularly helpful to combine them with Herkimers, especially when you are using rare minerals.
- This is especially valuable when bigger specimens of rare minerals such as Herderite, are quite difficult to obtain.
- They may also boost the 'perceived' power of stones with a softer energy like Pink Kunzite, making the energy easier to feel.
- As well they boost psychic hearing or clairaudient gifts, and other types of psychic powers including boosting mental telepathy.
- They may enhance spontaneity, increase telepathic abilities, promote better channeling and enhance communication with your spirit guides.
- This may aid you if you have been working on connecting with your spirit guide.
- Herkimer Diamonds are also said to boost the immune system so it may be a helpful stone for healing this type of health issue.
- Those who use the energy of this stone intelligently, may receive exceptional benefit, if the time is taken to work with it.
- The result may give you greater access to your own natural abilities. Meditating with a Herkimer may support you in letting go of unconscious fears and help in the overall expansion of your being.