小学华文理解班 Primary Mandarin Comprehension Class

小学华文理解班 Primary Mandarin Comprehension Class


  • 课程包括理解文本的技巧,从简单的故事到复杂的文章,学生们逐步提高阅读理解能力。
  • 老师们通过讨论和分析文本内容,引导学生掌握关键信息和深层意义。此外,课程还注重词汇和语法的学习,帮助学生提升写作和表达能力。
  • 通过多样化的学习活动如阅读练习、小组讨论,书写活动,学生们不仅增强了语言技能,也培养了批判性思维和文学鉴赏能力。

Through diverse learning : reading exercises, group discussions and writing tasks, enhance their language skills but also cultivate critical thinking and literary appreciation abilities.
  • The course aims to help students establish a solid foundation in Chinese language, reading skills, comprehension skills and writing skills.
  • The course includes techniques for understanding texts, progressing from simple stories to complex articles, gradually enhancing students' reading comprehension abilities.
  • Teachers guide students through discussions and analysis of text content to grasp key information and deeper meanings. Additionally, the course emphasizes vocabulary and grammar learning to improve students writing and expression skills.
More Services: 小学华文课程 Primary Schools Chinese Language Courses