boiler energy saving

boiler energy saving

Boiler energy saving by Optimizing the blowdownOptimizing (reducing) boiler blowdown can reduce significant amount of energy loss, this is because the temperature of blown down liquid is the same as steam generated in the boiler. Optimizing boiler blowdown will also reduce the boiler make up water and chemical treatment cost.As the water in the boiler evaporates in the boiler drum, solid present in the feed water will left behind, the suspended solid form sludge or sediment in the boiler, which can degrade the heat transfer, Dissolve solid promote foaming and carry over of boiler water into steam. To reduce the level of suspended and total dissolved solid (TDS) to acceptable limits, boiler water is periodically blown down & dischargedSurface blowdown is to remove the dissolved solid that concentrate near the water surface to acceptable level and usually is continuous process control by online conductivity control.Mud or bottom blow down is usually manually control or time base operated, open for a few second on interval of several hours. Purpose is to remove suspended solids that settle out of boiler form thick sludge.Insufficient boiler blowdown can cause boiler water carry over to steam, or formation of deposits. On the other hand, excessive blowdown will waste energy water and treatment chemicals. Optimum blowdown rate is determined by: boiler types, operating pressure, water treatment program, quality of makeup water, and boiler water TDS/ conductivity,Normal boiler blow down rate range from 4% to 10%
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