Entertainment Expense which Qualifies for a 100% Deduction 100%可扣除的娱乐费用
Entertainment Expense which Qualifies for a 100% Deduction 100%可扣除的娱乐费用
Entertainment Expense which Qualifies for a 100% Deduction
a) The provision of entertainment to employees
- Expenditure on food, drink and recreation provided to employees except where such expenditure is incidental to the provision of entertainment for others.
- Examples of such entertainment expenses are expenses on free meals and refreshment, annual dinners, outings, family day or club membership for employees.
b) The provision of promotional samples of products of the business
- - Expenditure incurred on promotional samples of products of the business for the purposes of advertising that product.
- - Examples of such entertainment expense are free samples of products of the business given to schools or for certain other functions.
c) The provision of entertainment related wholly to sales arising from the business
Examples of such expenditure are as follows:
a) Expenses on food and drink for launching of a new product
b) Redemption vouchers given for purchases made
c) Cash vouchers, discount vouchers, shopping vouchers, meal vouchers, concert or movie tickets
d) Redemption of gifts based on a scheme of accumulated points.
ABC Sdn Bhd carries on a car servicing business which provides light refreshments such as tea, coffee, sandwiches to its customers while waiting for their cars to be serviced. The customers are not charged for the light refreshments provided. The entertainment expense incurred is allowed a deduction since it is related wholly to sales arising from the business.