Register New Sdn Bhd

Register New Sdn Bhd

New Company Registration Time Table:
No Events Working Days(s)
 1  Company name search with Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia  1-2
 2  Preparation of the incorporation documents   2-3
 3  Signing of documents by all directors & shareholders in office   1
 4  Submission to SSM for incorporation new company   1-3
 5  Digital Incorporation Certificate issued by SSM   1
  Estimation Days to Incorporation a New Company   7-10

Note: The above timetable is merely estimated based on past experiences dealing with SSM over successful registration of more than 300 companies and it is however largely subject to any delay from SSM and the stability of SSM’s MyCoID online system.

What we need from you are:
  1. Prefered company name
  2. A copy of all directors’ & shareholders’ I/C or Passport (minimum 1 Director & 1 Shareholder)
  3. Nature business of the company
  4. Percentage of shareholding by each shareholders
  5. Latest residential addresses of all directors (if different from ICs)
  6. Paid-up capital information (min RM 1)

Get ready the above and email to us, your company is on its way to be registered with SSM!

Note: Please request full proposal from us for complete information and details of company registration in Malaysia.

More Services: SDN BHD Registration