

弹响指又有别名叫“弹弓手” 或者是“扳机指”,意思就是当弹响指发生的时候会感觉手指的灵活度受限,感觉手指被“卡”着并且还会伴随着疼痛。

Snapping finger are also known as "slingshot finger" or "trigger finger", which means that when snapping fingers occur, the flexibility of the fingers will be limited, and the fingers will feel "stuck" and accompanied by pain.


Due to injuries, repeated movements, strains and other reasons, the tendon sheaths at the finger joints become inflamed or thickened, forming tendon nodules at the tendon sheaths. When the fingers are doing bending or straightening movements, the tendon sheaths are blocked by the tendon nodules, causing snapping and pain, and the flexibility of the fingers is limited, making movements that should be easy feel very stiff.


  • 1个阶段:会出现部分肿痛,感觉手指灵活度下降
  • 2个阶段:手指灵活度明显受限,疼痛感明显
  • 3个阶段:手指灵活度受限,甚至需要借助外力帮助手指伸直
  • 4个阶段:就算自己用力了可能手指也无法伸直,伴随着用力伸直手指的动作出现疼痛感

Generally speaking, Snapping finger can be simply divided into FOUR stages:
Stage 1: There will be some swelling and pain, and you will feel that your finger flexibility is reduced.
Stage 2: Finger flexibility is obviously limited and pain is obvious.
Stage 3: The flexibility of the fingers is limited, and external force is even needed to help straighten the fingers.
Stage 4: Even if you try hard, you may not be able to straighten your finger, and you may feel pain when you try to straighten your fingers.​​​