Why still let the defaulter’s to abuse your RESIDENT Lane?
ABSOLUTELY STOP THEM today by revamp your guard house Barrier Gate System in the Higher Security Barrier System!

Spend 2 minutes to know more on how to stop it.    Know more…..



A Letter To Residence Committee Members Who Want to Absolutely Stop Defaulter to using Resident’ Lane by change to Higher Security Barrier System

How to Choose the Access Control System to Automate the Barrier Gate for Residential Guard House?

Higher Security Anti-Clone RFID Reader or Cost-Effective ANPR Camera?

Dear Sir,

Frankly speaking, you don’t have to! All you need to do is just engage an expert to design the system for you and it can be FREE! 


So, stay tuned. 


Before we proceed, here’s what I have been listening to over the years…


 “Jack, what is the Higher Security Barrier System to identify the Good Pay Master using our Resident Lane?”

 “Jack, how can we absolutely stop the Cloned Cards or Fake Numbers Plates?

“Jack, can we do something to stop the AirBnB business in our residential area?”  



It's time to make the right decision before being blamed in future. 


Don’t forget, you’re paying mostly the same amount now to install a new system to enhance the security, why not make sure it's the Higher Security Barrier System to automate your barrier gate?


The good news is! In less than 2 minutes, you’ll discover the BEST solution because I am going to disclose it to you…


 How to enhance your guard house Barrier Gate System in the Higher Security Barrier System and it didn't cost you much!  


First of all, WHY Barrier Gate System?


The reason is simple, Barrier Gate is The Front Liner of SECURITY. Therefore, the aim is CLEAR: 

  1. Filter the strangers BEFORE they enter the premises.  
  2. Secondly, it is there to make sure every day, every time when everyone reach home, they will enjoy:

● Smooth Guard House Traffic on barrier gate

● Card or Vehicle Detection Without Stopping the Car

● Preventing Airbnb Guests from Using the Residence Lane

● Stopping Cloned Card from Accessing the Residence Lane

And the most important is Security!


But now you are suffering to make a choice to select either a Cost-effective way - ANPR or Higher Security - Anti Clone RFID, am I right?




Actually, you’re not alone. I understand how you feel, that’s the reason I am writing you this letter.


Let me share with you the few common problem facing in most Residential Association when making decision:

  1. People commonly prefer  Latest Artificial Intelligence Technologies like ANPR  compare to RFID
  2. ANPR systems offer lower start up cost compared to RFID due to additional RFID tag or card required for every single vehicle. The more units of house, will cause more cost involved.
  3. Lack of fund to upgrade guard house or other facilities
  4. Poor security system due to strangers entering the premises
  5. Low properties value cause of poor security system

You can stop it!

Let the Building Security Specialist lead the way


You don't need a Barrier Gate, 

You need an Higher Security Access Monitoring System

to Automating your Barrier Gate.  


What you need is a System that can Recognize Who is Authorized to Entering the Guard House. 

Let’s determine the problem and settle it one by one.


One year ago, I received an invitation from a well known property development company in Melaka. The CEO of this 40th year old company wants to build a few Guarded & Gated Community Housing Estate in Melaka. He asked me to attend a meeting with his consultant team. During the meeting, they kept emphasizing 3 major concerns :

1. What is the Higher Security Barrier System for Residential Guard Houses?

2. How to stop the cloned card issue and AirBnB business at their premises.

3. What is the common problem that is facing in other existing Residential Association when maintaining the Guard House Security System?


After the meeting, they requested me to propose a comprehensive Guard House Security System to their new coming project. In my proposal should consist of few factor:

1. Higher Security and Efficient Access Control System to Automate the Barrier Gate when entering Guard House & Absolutely Stop Clone card issue

2. Low Maintenance cost in long run


During my proposal, I highlighted few point of view:
1. Higher Security and Efficient Access Control System to Automate the Barrier Gate when entering Guard House & Absolutely Stop Clone card issue

There are few common Access Monitoring systems used to automate the Barrier Gate in residential guard houses. They are RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) systems

Both systems have their own advantages and limitations when it comes to security in a guard house barrier access system.


From my point of view, RFID systems are generally considered Higher Security and More Efficient because they rely on unique identifiers stored on RFID cards, stickers or tags. 


These identifiers are difficult to duplicate or spoof using encryption and authentication mechanisms, further enhancing security with double protection (Anti Clone) to stop unauthorized people from entering the Guard House. You may absolutely stop the clone cards issue.


(Anti Clone RFID Sticker propose to stick on Number Plate or Side Mirror)

(Anti Clone RFID Card, detection range depending on type of solar film. )



On the other hand, ANPR systems use cameras to capture and recognize license plate numbers, allowing access based on vehicle identification. While ANPR systems are cost-effective, they may be more susceptible to spoofing or manipulation, such as using Fake Number Plates.





Due to their main priority for this project is security, hence we choose the Encrypted RFID System to automate the barrier gate. And the frequency we are using is Ultra High Frequency - 919-923 Mhz to comply with Malaysia SIRIM MCMC regulation, which can offer up to 10 meters off air to provide seamless access experience to house owner.


2. Low Maintenance cost in long run

In Malaysia, atrocious weather conditions are always our challenge when maintaining our outdoor electrical equipment especially during rainy seasons. Lightning Surges protection is one of the critical issues which we need to take serious consideration when designing and installing an outdoor system. 

  1. Damages of Lightning Surges will be the main maintenance cost if we did not perform a proper Earthing and Surges Protection System. Hence, we are practicing Double Surges Protection on every single equipment that we install.

(Earth Electrode Resistance to earth should be below 5 Ω)

  1. Damage of Barrier Arm is the second maintenance cost especially when the Barrier Arm falls down and hits cars or people. Hence, we are installing traffic detectors to minimize this problem. It will auto reverse the barrier arm if there is an obstacle (car or people) passing through. You can set a customized detection range based on daily traffic at your site to further enhance the safety level.



  1.  Proper Cable Management is important  to keep the system functioning well.
    Many people knew this but not really put more effort on it when installing and terminating the barrier gate. Thanks to our team members who always put the quality of works as first priority on their daily operation. 


After we applied the above practice on all our installations of Barrier Gate System. We found that the maintenance costs are reduced by 70% compared to other vendors. Even during the rainy season, the system still worked fine and didn’t cause any problem.

During the site inspection, the President and committee start showing happy faces when they see the system working fine after a rainy day.



After 1year of handover to the committee of Residential Association, we found zero complaints on the system. 

  1. Databases Fully Monitor Remotely
  2. Databases Checked and Updated Weekly
  3. Success rate of 100%, 
  4. No Clone Cards or AirBnB


Access Control is 100% by Residential Association!

No more strange cars entering the guard house!

Zero System Break-down!
No Cloned Cards!



In this system implementation, we found that the combination of  Artificial Intelligence + Anti-clone RFID is a Perfect Match  to control and monitor the access  of the guard house.

  1. Anti-clone RFID Reader (ACR) Reader for Cars or Motorbike to access.
  2. Facial Recognition (FR) reader for Motorbike driver or walk in visitor to access.
  3. Smart Detection Camera for Voice and Video recording and monitoring the guard    house operation
  4. Remote Access Monitoring on Databases Remotely.

Absolutely Stop Black listed Defaulters to access this Residential. This results in the number of defaulters getting under control.


In conclusion, this Artificial Intelligence automated guard house security system allows residential associations to take 100% control on their Guard House Security System. 


Safety of the neighborhood became an easy task for them



Message from CEO of MAG Security Solution 

The Malaysia Book of Records “Most Barrier Gate Sold in a Year”



Message from Country Manager of Dahua Technology Co., Ltd

(Second-largest video surveillance company in the world)



    Yes, I want to make an appointment….


Why is BGT your ultimate choice for Barrier Gate Systems?

BGT has a proven track record of success, with over 20 years of experience in the industry and a long list of satisfied clients. This demonstrates BGT's ability to deliver reliable and effective solutions that meet the needs of their clients.


Design, Build & Maintain

BGT has a team of well-trained professionals that can handle all aspects of the Barrier Gate system, from design and installation to maintenance and support. This ensures that customers receive top-quality service throughout the entire lifecycle of their system.


Building Security Specialist Since 2003
BGT offers a wide range of solutions to meet the diverse needs of their customers, from simple Barrier Gate systems to advanced solutions that incorporate advanced technologies like ANPR and UHF Long range.


Extended Warranty up to 36 months

BGT offers its customers the option to upgrade their warranty period to up to 36 months, giving them peace of mind and assurance that their investment is protected.


Reputation and Reviews

BGT has a great reputation and positive reviews. BGT serves some of the largest housing developers in Melaka and Seremban, including PB Group of Companies, GJH Group of Companies, NKS Group of Companies, and IJM Seremban Group of Companies. Additionally, BGT currently maintains and services over 50 guard houses in Melaka and Seremban.


Offering a Comprehensive Warranty Including Lightning Surges 

BGT is the only vendor in town that offers a comprehensive warranty that includes protection against lightning surges. 



Message from COO of GJH Group of Companies (Property Developer)


Message from Director of GJH Group of Companies (Property Developer)


Message from CEO of NKS Group of Companies (Property Developer)




Message from CEO of Lim & Lee Group of Companies (Property Developer)




Message from Project Manager & Sales Manager of Country Villas Resort Sdn Bhd (Property Developer)


Why did most Property Developers in town appointed BGT for the Guard House Security System?

The answer is simple,
BGT is the best in town for Guard House Security System


With cutting-edge security systems designed to provide real-time monitoring and alerts, allowing you to gain 100% control and respect from the neighborhood and value of property. 


    Yes, I want to make an appointment….

Just imagine, in the next few months…

1. Your neighbor will appreciate your effort to speed up when coming back home.

2. No more strange cars entering your neighborhood using Resident Lane.

3. Your neighborhood feel secure to let their kids to walking around and have peace of mind at night

4. The value of properties in the neighborhood increases after the transformation.

5. Most importantly, you ‘ll be proud of what you have done for the neighborhood as a committee


Let us work together to make it happen! 

If we can handle them, why not try us? After all, you are risk free!


You can do it! 

All you need to do is just engage an expert to design the system for you and it can be FREE!


Here’s what I propose… 

I am giving you an on-site consultation worth RM 2,500.00 for FREE. 

There are only 2 things you need to do.

First, call us at 012345678, I’ll personally attend to you.

All I need to know is some basic information about your premises. 

Secondly, if we can work out some verbal agreement. All you need to do is just invite all of your committee members who have the same vision as you and hope to do something to improve your neighborhood to come for a short meeting. 


Let me answer all the questions and work out the plan that benefits everyone.

No Obligation,    No Risk,    No Pre-commitments


However, due to limited resources, I can only offer this Free On-site consultation to 5 customers every month and it is on a first come first serve basis. 

So, don’t wait! Call us now at 012345678



Jack Loo

Managing Director Of BGT