I'M VACCINATED | Windscreen Sticker | Roadtax Sticker

I'M VACCINATED | Windscreen Sticker | Roadtax Sticker

Vaccination Sticker is going to viral soon.. This sticker is given to those people who went for COVID-19 vaccination. Here I would like to highlight, not all vaccination center pratice to give this sticker. Is optional. With this sticker on our car windscreen, it look so cool.. cheeky. So this material of sticker we called it ''Static Cling'' or ''Roadtax Sticker'', it is non adhensive (no glue). It only sticker on glass.. It is so easy to peel off and resticker again. Usually, we printed this for those month parking pass for university or condominium, roadtax holder and the milege sticker (engine oil sticker).. 

So, if you are interested to know more, please contact us @ 0123579787 or whatsapp us wa.me/60123579787
vaccine sticker roadtax sticker
glass stickerstatic cling sticker
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