Simulation Mechanical Essential Training

Simulation Mechanical Essential Training

Essentials Course Overview

Course Description

This course will introduce you to the static stress, heat transfer, and linear dynamics analyses capabilities in Autodesk Simulation Mechanical. You will learn about meshing, loads, and constraints for the covered analysis types. You will also learn how to evaluate results, create custom presentations and reports.

Course Duration

3 Days.


To guide and teach students the essential skills in performing FEA analysis using Autodesk Simulation Mechanical.

What Will You Learn?

  • How to setup static stress, heat transfer and model analysis.
  • Learn about loading and boundary conditions that applied to different real world situations.
  • How to determine the reliability of your simulation results.

Who Should Attend?

New user of Autodesk Simulation Mechanical.

Course Outline

Background of FEA
  • Stress and strain review
  • Heat transfer review
  • Linear dynamics review
Static Stress Analysis
  • Element types
  • Generating meshes
  • Modeling and meshing tips
  • Loading options
  • Constraint options
  • Material options
Results Evaluation & Presentation
  • How results are calculated
  • How to evaluate results
  • Presentation options
Advanced Meshing
  • Midplane meshing
  • Mesh refinement
  • Creating joints and bolts
  • Mesh convergence testing
  • Uses for contact
  • Contact options
Linear Dynamics
  • Modal analysis
  • Load stiffening
  • Critical buckling
Heat Transfer
  • Transient vs steady-state
  • Mesh options
  • Elements types
  • Loading options
  • Results evaluation
Thermal Stress
  • Setup
  • Results evaluation