Kang Kat Eng
Kang Kat Eng


Kang Kat Eng

Kang Kat Ying

Piano Teacher (Star Teacher) 

  • Graduated from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) - Royal College of Music, London with a Bachelors of Music Education (Piano Pedagogy)
  • With 8 years of Piano Teaching Experience
Educational Background:
  • Started playing the piano at 3 years old.
  • Mentored by Nigel Clayton, Loo Bang Hean, Cecelia Ratna, Lim Tsui Fang, and Benjamin Lim.
  • Studied at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) - Royal College of Music, London, majoring in Music Education (Piano Pedagogy).

Achievements and Experience:
  • Participated in masterclasses with Prof. Patsy Toh (Royal Academy of Music), Timothy Kwok (Indiana University), and Loo Bang Hean (UCSI University).
  • Conducted recent lecture-recitals supervised by Nigel Clayton, Nicholas Ong, and Loo Bang Hean (focused topics: thumbs development in piano playing and choices of articulations in Baroque piano works).

Teaching Style:
  • Values building relationships with students.
  • Believes anyone can learn piano, emphasizing correct technique from the start to prevent injury.
  • Encourages enjoyment of learning and practice, viewing practice as a creative exploration.
Performance Video