NORRES pursues a successful sustainability strategy which, amongst other things, specifies the following basic principles for product development:
  • Bio-based sources of raw materials that are not in competition with food production
  • “bioplastics” derived from renewable raw materials boasting comparable properties to conventional plastics
  • Raw materials with a low environmental impact based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) [= ecobalance]
  • Focus on bioplastic monomers derived from renewable raw materials for polyesters, polyamides, polyurethanes and vinyl polymers

These specifications have firstly resulted in the development of bioplastics based, for example, on derivatives of castor oil. Their share is usually in the region of 20 to 50%, depending on the hardness and the nature of the synthetic material. The mechanical properties and chemical resistances of bioplastic raw materials are not significantly different from those of our standard types. The approvals for the “bioplastic” products which are available as an option may deviate from those of the standard types.

Secondly, plastics and products with a relatively low environmental impact according to the life cycle assessment (LCA) [= ecobalance] have meanwhile been developed and released for productive use.

All NORRES products identified with this icon are either manufactured from a bioplastic raw material as standard, or available in a bioplastic version as an option, or they have a comparatively good ecobalance.