SQL Computerized Certificate Training

SQL Computerized Certificate Training

  1. SQL Accounting Course Outline

3 Lesson & Duration : 6 Hours

1.Maintain GL Account

How assign MSIC code?
How to assign tax code?
How to set special type?
How to drag & drop sub account?

2.Maintain Customer

How to assign tax code & GST No?

3.  Maintain Supplier

How to assign tax code & GST No?

4. Transaction :

• Customer Invoice
• Customer Payment 
• Customer Credit Note
• Supplier Invoice 
• Supplier Payment 
• Supplier Credit Note

5. Cash Book Entry

Monthly Expenses and any other payment
Set Posting Date
Set Tax Date
Set Bounced Status

6. Journal Entry

7. GST  Process  :

• GST-03 Process 
• GST Gain & Loss Process
• GST Listing

Print GST Audit File (GAF)

  1. SQL Stock Control Course Outline

2 Lesson & Duration : 4 Hours

1.  Maintain Stock Group

a. How to create stock group?
b. How to set GL account code?

•Cash Sales
•Cash Purchase
•Sales Return
•Purchase Return

2.Maintain Stock Item
•How to create Item Code?
•More Description
•Maintain Price Tag for Customer & Supplier

a. How to assign Tax Code?
b. How to maintain Multi UOM?
c. How to maintain BOM?
3.Maintain Location

4.Opening Stock Quantity & Cost

5.Maintain Item Template

6.Transactions :

•Sales Order
•Delivery Order
•Sales Invoice 
•Sales Credit Note
•Purchase Request
•Purchase Invoice
•Purchase Returned
7.    Stock Received / Stock Issue

8.    Stock Transfer - Location  

9.    Stock Adjustment

10.  Production - Stock Item Assembly

11.  Production - Stock Item Disassembly

12.  Reporting

• Sales Picking List
• View Stock Card
• Month end stock aging
• Print BOM Planner

  1. SQL Payroll Course Outline

    2 Lesson & Duration : 4 Hours

    1. Maintain Employee Payroll
    2. Maintain Wages
    3. Maintain Allowance
    4. Maintain Overtime
    5. Maintain Payment Method
    6. Process Salary
    a) Month End Payroll
    b) Payroll Report
    7. Maintain Leave
    8.  Leave Application
    9. Leave Report
    10. Opening Balance for Employee
    11. Maintain  Contribution
    12. Government Report