Retail Security System

Retail Security System


  • Keep retail shoppers and employees safe.

  • Reduce stock shrinkage and shoplifting

  • Improve profitability of retail outlet through data mining

Design Points

  • A high-definition IP camera with smart analysis features like people counting provides real-time statistics to help retailers monitor customer flow, refine marketing efforts, and more effectively allocate staff working shifts. Furthermore, the IP camera includes a powerful new algorithm for facial recognition. The technology extracts face from CCTV footage in real time and stores them in the recorder's database of hard discs, which can be retrieved via smart playback.


Store Layout
  • IP camera improves in-store customer engagement with heat mapping function. The shopper focused solution tracks the customers’ traffic pattern in a store. Commonly walked areas that are of heavy traffic are marked in red, while spots that are marked green had lower traffic. The data mining shows where it matters in the store and allows retailers to optimize their store layout as well as to strategize where to place their merchandise.
  • POS integration between IP cameras and POS machines with the goal of reducing counter fraud and losing. To discourage counter staff from falsifying scanning items during checkout, actual events during bar code scanning will be overlayed onto the CCTV recording footage. Smart search is a way to increase playback speed by retrieving sales data linking the POS machine with the HCVR/NVR recording.
Thermal Body Temperature Measurement
  • Thermal CCTV camera, which is capable of high accurate bod temperature measurement +-0.3°C (with blackbody). Built-in AI algorithm for multi-person measuring up to 3m distance which enables fast and non-contact access.