Simulation Mechanical Advanced

Simulation Mechanical Advanced

Essentials Course Overview

Course Description

This course will introduce you to large scale motion, large deformation, large strain with contact, and non-linear material analyses capabilities in Autodesk Simulation Mechanical.

Course Duration

2 Days.


To guide and teach students essential skills in performing FEA analysis using Autodesk Simulation Mechanical.

What Will You Learn?

  • How to setup a MES analysis.
  • Non-linear materials and when to use it.

Who Should Attend?

Users of Autodesk Simulation Mechanical Essentials.

Course Outline

Introduction to MES
  • Stress and strain review
  • Numerical example
Events & Prescribed Motion
  • Stress and strain review
  • Numerical exam
  • Dynamic analysis techniques
  • Time steps
  • Time-dependent boundary conditions
  • Result evaluationple
Contact & Impact
  • Contact parameters
  • Friction
  • Impact planes
Non-Linear Materials
  • Elastic
  • Hyperelastic
  • Foam
  • Viscoelastic
  • Plastic
  • electrical
Geometric Nonlinearities
  • post buckling behavior
  • variable time step analysis
Results-Based Loading
  • Lookup values
  • Specifying equations
  • Conditional statements
Engineering Elements
  • Shell
  • Membrane
  • Line
  • Beam
  • Pipe
  • Slider
  • Actuator
  • Spring
  • pulley