Retort Heat Distribution Test & Study Services

Retort Heat Distribution Test & Study Services

Heat Distribution Studies of the retort of sterilizer are conducted by using distributed temperature measuring sensors or wireless datalogger to establish the thermal processing procedures, come‐up-time requirements, and temperature stability and uniformity, which are necessary to establish the heating and cooling performance of retort throughout the retort thermal processing.
Temperature distribution studies are important to determine the slower heating location  of cold-spot, by performed using actual
production retort conditions or parameters.
Heat penetration test studies will focus on this worse condition. 
Ball-Formula Method:
a.      Calculation of heating rate factor, the slope of the heating curve, fh
b.      Calculation of value of dimensionless lag factor, jch
c.       Calculation of Total process time, B = fh [log (jch·Ih) – log g],
d.      Calculation of process time, Pt = B – 0.42 CUT
e.      Calculation of Ball process Lethality,  Fo = fh/[(fh/U) x Fi]

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