Our Smart Water Solutions is
Safe, Smart and Sustainable solutions across the water cycle

Regaltech group is partnering with ABB to supply products and solutions
to automate, electrify and digitize water and wastewater plants and infrastructure.

ABB has introduced a water management platform that opens the door to new functions by bridging the gap between operational and information technologies.
Basically an expert system equipped with reasoning capabilities, the platform’s ability to connect dots holds potentially enormous value in areas such as strategic planning, asset management and reporting, as it helps operators to spot anomalous conditions, identify the root causes of problems, compare patterns, and even simulates cenarios.
Water resources and related infrastructures are experiencing an unprecedented array of challenges.
These include increasing levels of water scarcity, growing coastal salinity, pollution, infrastructure degradation, tightening regulations, and the limited willingness of many governments and communities to recognize the crucial economic impact of these threats.
As a result, operators of water systems are responding with a renewed focus on efficiency, which is being driven by adopting an increasingly.
ABB AquaProbe FEA100 - Insertion Electromagnetic Flowmeter
The Insertion Electromagnetic Flowmeter AquaProbe FEA100 series is an economic alternative to full bore flow meters. It comprises an electromagnetic sensing head mounted on the end of a support rod. AquaProbe finds application in existing water distribution systems where provision for flow metering was not originally made and where a full bore flow meter would be uneconomic.
The assembly can be installed in existing pipelines without the need for major excavations or alterations to pipe work normally associated with the installation full bore meters.