Pasir Gudang City Council Launches Major Study to Solve Traffic Problems for Good.

Pasir Gudang City Council Launches Major Study to Solve Traffic Problems for Good.

The Pasir Gudang City Council (MBPG) will start a major Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) at the end of this year to address long-term traffic congestion. This study will involve all property developers and private sector stakeholders in the region, as reported by The Star.

Pasir Gudang Mayor Datuk Asman Shah Abd Rahman explained that the goal is to help the city council plan better for future developments, including road improvements and land use.

The TIA is scheduled to begin at the end of this year and should be completed by next June. Afterward, the council will consult with developers and landowners to discuss potential actions, especially concerning upcoming projects.

Due to rising congestion, some roads in Pasir Gudang, such as those in Seri Alam, will be widened to three lanes. This issue has been caused by new housing developments leading to traffic bottlenecks. Therefore, the council is involving developers in this comprehensive TIA.

Currently, each developer performs a TIA for their individual projects. This time, however, the city council will manage the study and include all stakeholders.

Asman Shah shared that the city council has suggested to the Transport Ministry installing height limit barriers on some Pasir Gudang roads to keep large trucks out.

He also mentioned that the council is looking into upgrading the train tracks in Pasir Gudang for passenger service. The idea is to build transit-oriented developments (TODs) at four train stations: Pasir Gudang-Pasir Putih, Taman Cendana, Alam Masai, and Seri Alam.

The plan is to first create park-and-ride areas at these spots so people can park their cars and take a shuttle to the nearest train station. Once people start using these facilities, the council will begin upgrading th
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