Maintenance Solutions For Data Centers
Prevent Chances of Downtimes To Increase Productivity and Profitability.
According to a research in 2011, every minute downtime in a data center will result in a loss of approximate $5,600 USD. The research also highlighted that more than 39 percent of the downtime was due to data center’s power, which consists of UPS system failure (including batteries) and generator failure.
Therefore, regular predictive and preventive maintenance of data centers is crucial, so as to maximise the performance and reliability of mission-critical equipment, which can prevent chances of downtimes, and thus increase productivity and profitability. Hioki provides measurement solutions for the maintenance of Data Centers highly sensitive equipments. Here, we will introduce measuring instruments for each section:
1. Substations
2. Power Control Boards
3. Switchboards
4. UPS
5. In-house Generators
6. PV Systems
7. Grounding Rods
8. Air-conditioning
9. 5G Antennas
10. Data Servers
1. Power Receiving and Transforming Equipment
2. Power Control Boards
3. Switchboards
Verify Phase Rotation |
Test Insulation |
Test Supply Voltage |
Verify Load Current |
PD3259-50 Digital Phase Detector
PD3129 Phase Detector |
IR405X Series Insulation Tester |
DT42XX Series Digital Multimeter |
CM437x Series AC/DC Clamp Meter
CM414x Series AC Clamp Meter |
Detect Leakage Current |
Detect Electrical Disturbances. Analyze Power Quality |
Record and Analyze Electrical Consumption |
Test 5kV Insulation |
CM4001 AC Leakage Clamp Meter
CM4002 AC Leakage Clamp Meter
CM4003 AC Leakage Clamp Meter |
PQ3198 Power Quality Analyzer
PQ3100 Power Quality Analyzer |
PW3365 Clamp On Power Logger
PW3360 Clamp On Power Logger |
IR3455 High Voltage Insulation Tester |
Equipment Damage and Malfunction Due To Power Quality
Record Sudden Problems
Missed By The SNMP* |
Clarify Trouble Spots via
Simultaneous Recording of 3 Systems |
*SNMP : Simple Network Management Protocol – A protocol use to monitor the live and operational status of IP devices, widely use for measuring rack temperature and current. |